Wednesday, October 7, 2015


§  The Senior Parent’s Association is responsible for planning the all-night graduation party to ensure that our graduating seniors have a fun, safe way to celebrate!!  Lisa Cummings is the President, Vicki Scott is the Vice President, Vicki Hogerheide is the Treasurer, and Betty Keller is the Secretary.  We encourage any parents who want to be involved to join up. 
v  November
§  The Senior Parent’s Association will be holding its next meeting on Wednesday, October 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the Library at the high school. 
ALL SENIORS NEED TO TURN IN THREE SENIOR PICTURES AND A RELEASE TO PUBLISH BY DECEMBER 18TH.  You can submit them electronically to or submit 1 to 3 wallet sized photos.  The photo for the hallway composite needs to be vertical, head and shoulders with traditional background (conservative, no animals, cars, etc.).  We also ask that the student is not lying down in the composite photo you submit.  You can also bring them in on a cd or usb.  Please clearly specify what picture goes for which thing if you are using different poses.  I will not be able to accept your photographs without a release of publication.  The release can be submitted in writing or by email.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Rabourn.

 If you are not having senior pictures taken we can use the photos taken by Geskus Photography at the beginning of the school year.  If you did not have your school picture taken by Geskus, please let us know.  We can have someone from yearbook take your photograph.  We do not want anyone left out! 
TURN IN ALL PICTURES AND RELEASE FORMS (IF APPLICABLE) TO MRS. RABOURN, IN THE OFFICE, BY December 18, 2015.  if you will not have your pictures by this date, please communicate this to the office. 


You need to turn in four pictures (1 Senior, 1 baby, 1 elementary, and 1 miscellaneous funny or group photo) by December 18th.  You can submit them electronically (must be 300 dpi) to  If you are dropping off originals please take them to the main office and give them to Mrs. Rabourn. 


Jostens will be meeting with the seniors on October 29th at 10:45 am, and then they will be taking orders during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, November 5th from noon to 7:00 p.m.  You need to get your cap and gown ordered ASAP.  We will have extra packets in the office after October 29th.  If you have any questions, you can call Jostens directly or come talk to us in the office.  We want to make sure everyone gets a cap and gown!


Directory information is not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released and can be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent.  If you do not want Kalkaska High School to disclose directory information, you must contact the High School office.  Directory information includes:  name, grade level, participation in activities or sports, photographs, height and weight of athletes, and honors or awards received.  Federal law requires local educational agencies to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories:  names, addresses and phone numbers (unless a parent advises LEA in writing).

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

KHS Important Information

  • Important Times:
    • First bell rings at 7:55 am, students should be in class by 8:00 am.
    • 1st Hour students are considered tardy for the first 15 minutes and then absent after that. All the other hours, students are considered tardy for only the first five minutes and absent after that.  If your student is going to be late or absent, please contact the office or send in a note to make sure they are excused. 
    • Dismissal bell rings at 3:00 pm (11:25 am on half-days).
  • Student Parking:  If students want to park at the school they need to get a parking permit.  Permits are free and forms can be picked up at the main office.  Students should always park  in the back parking lot.  
OUR SOCIAL MEDIA - Below are the details of the different types of social media that the High School uses to communicate with our community.  Let us know if you have any questions:

Facebook Page

Our Facebook page is used to highlight student success and provide news to the community.


Twitter is used for short announcements or pictures of events.  Twitter posts also appear on our Facebook page.  

High School Blog

The blog has taken the place of our newsletter.  Here you will find information and pictures.  If you would like a hard copy of the blog, just stop by and ask at the office.  

Note:  If you follow all three you will notice some repetition between the different formats.  

Sign-ups for Boys and Girls Freshmen and JV Basketball

Any boys and/or girls interested in playing Freshmen or JV Basketball, there are sign-up sheets in the main office.

KHS Pink Out Volleyball Game 2015

Join us on October 21, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the High School Gymnasium as the Kalkaska Blazers Varsity Volleyball team take on the Varsity Football team to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  You will not want to miss out on this entertaining evening that will include volleyball, silent auction and LIVE auction items!

We want to keep you informed!

Parents and Students - The Kalkaska High School has decided to modernize the newsletter and create a blog.  We will be using this as another tool to communicate with parents and students; along with Facebook, Twitter, and the website.

We have had a great start to the school year so far and the staff is excited to be back!  We have a new principal this year, Mr. John Sattler!  We also hired a new Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Mr. Justin Thorington.  On board are two new teachers, Mrs. Monica Malbouef as the Art Teacher and Mr. Matt Rogers as the Biology Teacher.  We have a fantastic staff who are dedicated to the education of our students here.  There is a complete list of our teachers and their emails on the Kalkaska Public Schools website.  We recommend that you reach out to teachers if you have any questions or concerns.

Parents!  You can also utilize our PowerSchool for Parents as a tool to keep track of your child's grades and attendance.  You can receive automatic emails from PowerSchool to keep you informed as well.  If you are not set up for this and you would like to be, please contact the high school and we can help you.

As always, we are committed to the growth and education of each and every student here at Kalkaska High School!  We look forward to a fantastic year!  Thank you!