Tuesday, October 6, 2015

KHS Important Information

  • Important Times:
    • First bell rings at 7:55 am, students should be in class by 8:00 am.
    • 1st Hour students are considered tardy for the first 15 minutes and then absent after that. All the other hours, students are considered tardy for only the first five minutes and absent after that.  If your student is going to be late or absent, please contact the office or send in a note to make sure they are excused. 
    • Dismissal bell rings at 3:00 pm (11:25 am on half-days).
  • Student Parking:  If students want to park at the school they need to get a parking permit.  Permits are free and forms can be picked up at the main office.  Students should always park  in the back parking lot.  
OUR SOCIAL MEDIA - Below are the details of the different types of social media that the High School uses to communicate with our community.  Let us know if you have any questions:

Facebook Page


Our Facebook page is used to highlight student success and provide news to the community.



Twitter is used for short announcements or pictures of events.  Twitter posts also appear on our Facebook page.  

High School Blog


The blog has taken the place of our newsletter.  Here you will find information and pictures.  If you would like a hard copy of the blog, just stop by and ask at the office.  

Note:  If you follow all three you will notice some repetition between the different formats.  

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