Tuesday, October 6, 2015

We want to keep you informed!

Parents and Students - The Kalkaska High School has decided to modernize the newsletter and create a blog.  We will be using this as another tool to communicate with parents and students; along with Facebook, Twitter, and the kpschools.com website.

We have had a great start to the school year so far and the staff is excited to be back!  We have a new principal this year, Mr. John Sattler!  We also hired a new Assistant Principal/Athletic Director, Mr. Justin Thorington.  On board are two new teachers, Mrs. Monica Malbouef as the Art Teacher and Mr. Matt Rogers as the Biology Teacher.  We have a fantastic staff who are dedicated to the education of our students here.  There is a complete list of our teachers and their emails on the Kalkaska Public Schools website.  We recommend that you reach out to teachers if you have any questions or concerns.

Parents!  You can also utilize our PowerSchool for Parents as a tool to keep track of your child's grades and attendance.  You can receive automatic emails from PowerSchool to keep you informed as well.  If you are not set up for this and you would like to be, please contact the high school and we can help you.

As always, we are committed to the growth and education of each and every student here at Kalkaska High School!  We look forward to a fantastic year!  Thank you!

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